Events to come.

Events will be announced as they are scheduled (come back regularly).


  • • The association will organize at the end of June, a series of webmeetings (information, update of the CureCN trial, exchanges) for Crigler-Najjar patients and families around the world:
    • – June 17, 8 p.m (Paris time): in French for Crigler-Najjar families from the Maghreb with the assistance of a person in Arabic – see the program
    • – June 21, 2:30 p.m. (Paris time): in English for the rest of the world – see the program
  • POURRIÈRES (83), on June 21, the entire Joseph Pascal school will be in yellow and blue to celebrate Crigler-Najjar Day around little Jules ; Marina will have an information stand and cake sale.
  • FORBACH (57), June 24, Blaise Pascal high school, Vanessa will speak in the class of Mr. Omar Kaced, UPE (educational unit for incoming allophone students) to inform about Crigler-Najjar disease; these students come from different countries.
  • • from June 20 to 26: publication of your testimonies “my life with Crigler-Najjar” and photos and messages of support on the association’s Facebook page.

The Netherlands

Creation of a series of tee-shirts, mugs, for Crigler-Najjar Day :

If you are thinking of organizing an event, let us know by writing to contact and we will announce it here.

No ready yet !

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